Toute l'équipe de French Fucking Fashion vous souhaite un joyeux Halloween !
The redaction of French Fucking Fashion wish you a Happy Halloween !

Porté par Marionette / wear by Marionette
Skin : Deesse's Skins - Danielle Tan
Hair : Magika Hair _ Roots Edition Andarial
Glasses : Concrete Flowers - 22 *Zombie PopCorn Hunt*
Bag : LEO-NT - Graffiti Bag
Dresse : Insanya - Irina Dress *Zombie PopCorn Hunt*
Stocking : NerdMonkey - Grey Striped Stocking
Boots : Style X - Brown Boots
Tattoos : Letis Tattoo - Carpe Diem H918
Bangles : BND - Taped Glove, bangles and rings

Porté par Yannick / wear by Yannick
Skin : Nuuna - Calavera Male Skin
Hair : 3636 - Gigi
Claws : [ni.ju] - Claws
Pant : HEDO - (part of) Tyran
Dress : The Dark Swamp - Le Noir
Faun legs : Epic - Basic Digi Legs

Porté par Bubu / wear by Bubu
Skin : Exodi - Insolde Cachet - 39
Pumpkin head : Death Row Designs - Pumpkinhead
Dress : Sn@tch - Zombie Ballet Bloddy Leotard
Heart : {Malfean Visions} - My heart Beats for you
Shoes with hands : Alchemy Immortalis - I scream Sundae!
Knife : Concrete Flower - Psycho Knife
Breast Tattoo : Hysteria - Love is pain
**Click on the picture to enlarge**
Cet article a été co-réalisé par Yannick (mise en page & photo), Marionette et Bubu (style)
This article was co-directed by Yannick (layout & photo), Marionette and Bubu (style)
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