mardi 24 octobre 2017


Corps Body

[theSkinnery] MAITREYA Appliers (2017) - TUMMY champagne
[theSkinnery] Stitched Mouth (Catwa Applier) @ OUAN Hunt/Event
[theSkinnery]ERICA(SHAPE ) @ SALEM
[the Skinnery] ERICA (Catwa Catya Bento ) @ SALEM
[the Skinnery] Hard Rock Lashes Pack (Catwa Applier)
Izzie's - Maitreya Lara - Applier Blood and Wounds
Moon. Hair. // Small
-SU!- Piercing Set 04 and 05 Catawa catya head bento
-SU!- LUMINOUS Eyes   Fatpack CATWA eyes
-SU!-  Delora Eyes Gacha @N21
-SU!-  Hesperia Eyeliner ♥♥♥ (i love it so much)
^^Swallow^^ Pixie Ears  Protruding


[The Forge] Amelia Dress. at Season's Story.

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