dimanche 18 décembre 2011
#56 Rouge is Red
Peau / Skin : Lara Hurley - Oksana*With Love Hunt (With Love, Again Hunt, 10L$)
Coiffure / Hairstyle : (love) hair - agitha (fatpack) (dollarbabie)
Yeux / Eyes : Soulgliter - Peyton's Eyes (gratuit / freebie)
Cils / Eyelashes : +>A&A<+ Floofy Lashes (presque gratuit / almost free)
Ongles / Nails : DFlourish Red (ancien prix de chasse / past hunt prize)
Robe / Dress : ISON - cowl neck dress (red) (With Love, Again Hunt, 10L$) (MESH, you need a MESH compatible viewer to see it)
Chaussures / Shoes : NX-Nardcotix MANA Moshi SLV.2 Glitter (With Love, Again Hunt, 10L$)
Sac / Bag : A.M.K.R FREE Porch-wear (gratuit / freebie)
Bracelets : :: Purple Moon :: Etnia Bangles in Gold Bright
Collier et boucles d'oreilles / Necklace and earrings : :: Purple Moon :: Atomic Necklace Gold/Blue
Poses : aDORKable pose for Christmas time (une pose offerte différente chaque jour / one different free pose each day)
Photos prises à / taken at : ISON Mainstore
Libellés :
Burenrings Crystal
Lara Hurley Skin
NX Nardcotix
Purple Moon
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