dimanche 22 septembre 2013


Peau/Skin (with applier) : al vulo- Berry / NEW - The season story fair /
Cheveux/hair : Magika Plenty
Seins/Boobs : Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts
Fesses/Ass : *L.inc* Phat Azz / NEW /
Pied/Feet : Slink Mesh Feet
Top/Haut (part of/applier) : .Mes Sucreries. Savage Lingerie- Fishnet / NEW - Silicone /
Short (applier)!Blah. (My Sporty Shorts - Red) / NEW /
Collants/Tights (applier) .{ Mes Petites Coutures }. resille . Phat Azz applier / NEW /
Chaussures/Shoes (with Slink): _CD_ Oxygen Black 
Bracelets : .{ Mes Petites Coutures }. cubstiq LOVE
Lunettes/Glasses : etham - 8 Bit Glasses / NEW - Mes Brics à Bracs /
Casquette/Cap : :: Howl :: - Twin CAP / Gatcha - The season story fair /
Piercing : .Pekka. Missy Chest piercings
Radio : The Secret Store - My first Boombox - Tomato / 50l$ / The arcade

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